Westar Institute

Institutional Affiliation
Charter Member

Diana Butler Bass

Institutional Affiliation

Duke University


Ph.D. Duke University (1991). Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Religious Studies. Major examination field (Honors awarded): American religious history. Additional examination fields: American social and intellectual history, 17th-19th century English religious history, historical theology. Dissertation: "Standing Against the Whirlwind: A Study of the Evangelical Party in the 19th Century Protestant Episcopal Church." M.A.T.S. summa cum laude, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (1986). Major: History of Christianity. Minor: Theology. Thesis: "Dogma and Detection: The Theological Art of Dorothy L. Sayers." B.A. cum laude, Westmont College (1981). Major: Social Science (Political Science, History, Sociology). Minor: Religious Studies.


Diana Butler Bass, Ph.D., is an award-winning author, popular speaker, inspiring preacher, and one of America’s most trusted commentators on religion and contemporary spirituality.  

Diana’s passion is sharing great ideas to change lives and the world—a passion that ranges from informing the public about spiritual trends, challenging conventional narratives about religious practice, entering the fray of social media with spiritual wisdom and smart theology, and writing books to help readers see themselves, their place in history, and God differently.  She does this with intelligence, joy, and a good dose of humor, leading well-known comedian John Fugelsang to dub her “iconic,” the late Marcus Borg to call her “spontaneous and always surprising,” and Glennon Doyle to praise her “razor-sharp mind” and “mystical heart.”

She holds a doctorate in religious studies from Duke University and is the author of eleven books. Her bylines include The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN.com, Atlantic.com, USA Today, Huffington Post, Spirituality and Health, Reader’s Digest, Christian Century, and Sojourners. She has commented on religion, politics, and culture in the media widely including on CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, CBC, FOX, Sirius XM, TIME, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, and in multiple global news outlets. In the 1990s, she wrote a weekly column on religion and culture for the Santa Barbara News-Press, which was distributed nationally by the New York Times Syndicate.

Numerous Honors, Awards, Grants & Fellowships, including: 

Doctor of Divinity (D.D.), honoris causa, The General Theological Seminary of the EpiscopalChurch, New York, NY, awarded May 2009.  

Consultation Grant, Louisville Institute, Pastors’ Gathering, Practicing Congregations Project, March 2006.

Research Grant, Lilly Endowment Inc., "Project on Congregations of Intentional Practice: A Study of Mainline Vitality," December 2002-May 2006.

Award of Merit, Religious Communicators Council, DeRose/Hinkhouse Memorial Communications Awards, for “Lift High the Flag…Oops, The Cross!” April 2003.

Research Grant, Louisville Institute: A Lilly Endowment Program for the Study of American Religion, "Strength for the Journey: A Pilgrimage through Post-Christian America." September 1,1999-August 30, 2000.

Faculty Development Endowment Grant, "Episcopal Women in 19th Century New York," Rhodes College.  Summer 1998.

Academic Appointments

Numerous Teaching and Research Positions including:

Author, Consultant, and Educator, 2006-current. Independent, self-employed public educator and consultant to churches, religious organizations, and media outlets on issues of religion, spirituality, current events, and culture.  Speaks in 35-50 venues across the religious spectrum per year; writes for Huffington Post and Washington Post; social media influencer.  www.dianabutlerbass.com.

Chabraja Fellow, Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, 2011-2012.

Senior Fellow, The Cathedral College, Washington National Cathedral, 2006-2009.

Professional Service