C.M. Kempton Hewitt
Emeritus Professor of Biblical Interpretation
The Methodist Theological School in Ohio
B.A., Cascade College B.D., Evangelical Theological Seminary S.T.M., Yale University Divinity School Ph.D., University of Durham (England)
Kempton was an active participant in the Jesus Seminar from its early years. His academic career includes positions as Dean of Students, Dean of Professional Education, Academic Dean and other administrative and teaching roles in both Roman Catholic and Protestant theological schools. Most recently, he was the Director of the Northwest House of Theological Studies, located on the campus of Willamette University. His association with Willamette includes a period as scholar in residence and, sometimes-adjunct instructor. He was the co-founder of the Dutch-North American Association of Pastoral Theology and the founder of an institute in Mexico for the training of clergy in cross-cultural studies and ministry. While enrolled as a doctoral candidate at the University of Basel, Switzerland, he was mentored by Oscar Cullman and studied with Karl Barth and Bo Reicke. In retirement, Kempton conducts educational seminars for both clergy and lay in churches of several denominations in the United States and Canada. Particular focus is on the lectionary Gospel texts, apocalyptic literature, historical Jesus, and Greek exegesis. He is a retired ordained elder in the Oregon-Idaho Conference of the United Methodist Church.