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Westar Video

Westar Conference: D. F. Strauss Awardees

May 25, 2024

$ 15.00 USD

Westar Conference: Celebrating Westar Authors

May 25, 2024

$ 10.00 USD

Westar Conference Seminar on Bible and Theology

May 24, 2024

$ 20.00 USD

Westar Conference Seminar on White Christian Nationalism

May 24, 2024

$ 20.00 USD

Westar Conference: The Troubling Christ Metaphor

May 24, 2024

$ 15.00 USD

Westar Conference: Struggling for the Future of Religion

May 24, 2024

$ 15.00 USD

Westar Conference: Fishbowl Event

May 23, 2024

$ 15.00 USD

Westar Conference: Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis in Conversation

May 23, 2024

$ 15.00 USD

The Religious History of Abortion with L Walke and B Scott

February 20, 2024

$ 20.00 USD

Does Scripture Speak For Itself

January 17, 2024

$ 20.00 USD

Brock and Parker - For the Love and Paradise

November 1, 2023

$ 20.00 USD

A Night with Dr. John Kloppenborg

September 27, 2023

$ 20.00 USD

Dr Anthea Butler on White Christian Nationalism

August 23, 2023

$ 20.00 USD

Death of God and Future of Religion

June 14, 2023

$ 20.00 USD

Theoharis Mary's Magnificat

December 6, 2022

$ 20.00 USD

Abortion and Religion in America

November 16, 2022

$ 20.00 USD

Republican Jesus and the 2nd Amendment

October 19, 2022

$ 20.00 USD

Bonhoeffer Religionless Christianity

October 5, 2022

$ 20.00 USD

A Night with Kierkegaard

June 15, 2022

$ 20.00 USD

African American Readings of Paul

April 27, 2022

$ 15.00 USD

Render Unto Caesar with Dominic Crossan

April 13, 2022

$ 20.00 USD

#MeToo in the Bible: A Tale of Two Tamars

February 17, 2022

$ 20.00 USD